Why do I use VIM?

Have I gone crazy?


1 min read

Why do I use VIM?

I've been using Vim for a month now. Although I'm probably still a newbie, I've mastered some of the features now. I think it's time for a quick feedback.

First of all... What the hell is Vim?

WHY.webp Vim is basically a text editor. Over time, features have been added. Now it has a built-in terminal, a plugin system and a lot of other cool stuff.

Why should I use Vim?

Vim has a lot of shortcuts and is very ergonomic. Basically Vim allows you to be more efficient. However, this is not the only valid reason to move to Vim. Vim is a very simple text editor with few features initially, so it respects the KISS principle.

Vim or Neovim, which is better?

After testing both, I decided to stay with the simplest possible i.e. Vim. Neovim was born as a fork of Vim 7 but on Vim 8 a lot of Neovim's features have been integrated into Vim. Both have generally the same features, the shortcuts are the same, the base is identical. I would not mind using Neovim instead of Vim.


No matter which text editor or IDE you use, the important thing is to be productive. If after some time spent on Vim you don't think you are more efficient, then you can use another IDE.